Thursday, June 14, 2007

Coolest Guy On Planet: Luis Galarza Feeling The Coolest

From Luis Galarza The Coolest Guy On The Planet - SEO Help Experiment

Now I Feel Like The Coolest Guy On The Planet!

So, why all the exitement about been the coolest guy on the planet... simple because now I am the coolest guy on the planet because my newborn daughter and all my kids makes me feel just like that. Yeah, my four little ones are something else, and for them I'm always the coolest guy on earth.

Why? Well, my kids and their friends love being with me because I am a crazy grown up that likes to play with them get dirty if I have to, get wet, and I always invent new crazy games for them to play...

I going to do my best to keep my "coolest guy on the planet title" with all my kids and with new little one Miss Kiana Galarza. The coolest thing will be for her to try to say "Papa, coolest guy on planet, goo goo gaa gaa!" :) that will be so cool...

Well, little Kiana was almost 8 pounds and I think the way she eats, which by the way is just like me, she will be 10 pounds in no time. I hope she doesn't grow too fast and too tall like her big sister who is 9 years old right now. She is going to be huge! Which is not good for girls, well only models. But, she's not going to be a model... I hope.

Yeah my 9 years old she always tell me that I'm "the coolest guy on the planet" with a good reason, she knows that I like to spend a lot of time with her and the other little rascals, play and have a lot of fun.

So, now you can see why me Luis Galarza feel like...

The Coolest Guy On The Planet or The Coolest Guy On The Universe!

Sorry no, SEO or Search Engine Optimization free tips today, but I got some good ones for tomorrow... Like how to get link with the power of superman.

More about that tomorrow...

All the best,

Luis E Galarza
Internet Marketing Training For Beginners
Search Engine Marketing Lab

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Free SEO Tips: Coolest Guy On The Planet Andy Jenkins Strategy

From Luis Galarza The Coolest Guy On The Planet - SEO Help Experiment

What Tips The Coolest Guy On The Planet Wanna Be Can Learn From Andy Jenkins SEO Strategy That Have His Tiny Little Page Be One Of Top Ten Rank On Google For The Coolest Keyword!

One think I learn from this tiny little mini web-page from Andy Jankins is that he is linking directly to Brad Fallon's website which is the real Coolest Guy On The Planet, and if you view the site's code source you can see that he is not using the "nofollow" HTML code that will give not ranking vote to Brad's website. Just like I'm doing on this post...

Now he may also have lots of links back to his site... but, still looks like that direct link to Brad's site have to do some SEO or search engine optimization work there.

So, I decided to tested to see if that really works.

By putting a direct link to one of my sites on a related site on my network, then I waited about a week, and I when to Google and search for that exact phrase or keywords to see what happens. The results were crazy, weird, and Left me thinking...


Because the main site that had that post on didn't make the first position on the results, actually the site with the direct link that post using the article's title as a link were number one on Google.

Well, those results were a little different from what I was expecting to find, and I still try to think why Google will give first spot to the link holder instead of the source.

You can use this to some extend to try to get crawl by the search engines spiders and send to the top 10 for a link to the main source... But, don't give you ranking away, I explain on my next post.

All the best,

Luis E Galarza
Internet Marketing Training For Beginners
Search Engine Marketing Lab

Monday, June 11, 2007

I'm The Coolest Guy On The Planet On MSN Live Search Engine

From Luis Galarza The Coolest Guy On The Planet - SEO Help Experiment

MSN Live Search Engine Says That The Coolest Guy On The Planet Is Not Brad Fallon, The Coolest Guy On MSN Live Is Luis Galarza The SEO or Search Engine Optimization Student Not An Expert! :)

Yes, I just stop by the coolest website simple because it has the live statistics of who on the top 10 position for the keywords "The Coolest Guy On The Planet" and "Coolest Guy On The Planet" on the top 3 search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN Live, and also the video search engines like Google Video and Youtube. Here I was checking who are at the top on each of these sites, when I check the MSN Live Search Engines results I saw this Bloggler blog with a URL like mine

... and I started asking questions to myself, like wow, how this person got there if I didn't see it a few weeks ago, but then I notice that the number one spot site was my blog. And yes, I'm number one for both of those keywords. Looks like the SEO or search engine optimization tactics that I been applying to this blog are working...

The Question Is What SEO Strategy Make This Happened?

Well, I checked a few weeks ago and after that big avalanche of new competitors trying to become the coolest guy on the planet, my site when from position 18 on Google to 58, the same thing happened in Yahoo, and MSN Live...

So, what did I do to boost my ranking and the site's search position? After, checking all my blog updates, and site changes I notice that I did four main changes in and outside the blog which are:

1.- I added my other marketing blog content feeds at the bottom, and a SEO relevant content blog feed. This keep the site always up to date even if don't make any changes to it.

2.- I added one extra headline with a little content using my main keywords at the top of the blog. This note is an invitation for visitors to The Coolest Guy On The Planet Blog to watch an excellent SEO or search engine optimization video that I found in Google Video that was recorded at the Affiliate Summit Conference in 2006.

3.- Then I change a little bit the blog Headline or title, and the description information to make Google Adsense ads be more relevant to the main content of this blog which is SEO news, tips, training, strategies, research, etc...

4.- Also I added this blog feeds to all my blogs related to Internet marketing and search engine optimization.

And now this Luis Galarza is The Coolest Guy On The Planet on MSN Live and got back on page 3 on Google, and keep coming strong on Yahoo...

The race still hot, so come back for more SEO Tips...

All the best,

Luis E Galarza
Internet Marketing Training For Beginners
Search Engine Marketing Lab

Monday, June 4, 2007

Coolest Guy On The Planet SEO Project Got Good Competition

From Luis Galarza The Coolest Guy On The Planet - SEO Help Experiment

The Free Coolest Guy On The Planet SEO Competition By Brad Fallon Is Getting Some Real Competition On The Playground!

I haven't being checking how the coolest guy on the planet competition has been going... because after a while I decide to make this blog a good resource of free SEO or Search Engine Optimization tips and news for the newbies and forgot completely about trying to optimize the blog for the "Coolest Guy On The Planet" keyword.

So, I decide to take a look at who's on the top 40 positions for this keyword... and by my surprise there where more new top marketers trying to get on the game using different tools, and strategies to gain better pagerank and position on Google.

Now you can see that in the top we have Brad Fallon of course, then Russell Bruson on the second place, then Garrets Brigets on the third place, and Mike Filsaime on the fourth place...

Wow...! and list keep going on and on... So, I think I going to get back on the competition and I'll be posting every single SEO strategy I use to get to that point...

Also, I'm going to give you some tips that you and me can learn from the websites on the top 20 for the "Coolest Guy On The Planet" keyword...

All the best,

Luis E Galarza
Internet Marketing Training For Beginners
Search Engine Marketing Lab

Free SEO Training Video

At the end of this blog you can watch a 1 hours SEO or Search Engine Optimization training video recorded at the 2006 Affiliate Summit Conference. Bookmark Us! (Clr+D)

Got 1 Hour Watch A Free Search Engine Optimization Training Video From Affiliate Summit Conference

Here is a Brief presentation on SEO or Search Engine Optimization strategies that really work with a heavy focus on Q&A. A very open, honest, zero B.S., and straight to the point video discussion about search engines optimization that covers some common myths and will leave you with some quality information and action items as it relates to search ranking and your current business.